
iMaint CMMS

Text goes here and is here for the text.Usually3 lines of text.

iMaint CMMS

Text goes here and is here for the text.Usually3 lines of text.

iMaint CMMS

Text goes here and is here for the text.Usually3 lines of text.


iMaint CMMS

Text goes here and is here for the text.Usually3 lines of text.

iMaint CMMS

Text goes here and is here for the text.Usually3 lines of text.

iMaint CMMS

Text goes here and is here for the text.Usually3 lines of text.

iMaint CMMS

Text goes here and is here for the text.Usually3 lines of text.

iMaint CMMS

Text goes here and is here for the text.Usually3 lines of text.

iMaint CMMS

Text goes here and is here for the text.Usually3 lines of text.


How CMMS Software Improves the Safety of Your Facility


Computerized maintenance management software (CMMS) is a valuable tool for any business with maintenance and safety needs. Not only does it increase productivity and decrease costs, CMMS improves safety tracking and compliance as well as creating a safe work environment for employees.

How CMMS Improves Safety

Facility Layout and Safe Environment

To ensure safety, a physical facility must be properly laid out and all equipment in its proper place. One of the ways a CMMS improves safety is by documenting the location of all equipment, including drawings of the facility and equipment, and any location changes. Equipment or parts that are out of place can lead to unnecessary delays and accidents.

Define and Document Safety Requirements

Most organizations have some type of safety and compliance regulations for the facility, equipment or grounds. Once safety requirements are defined, this information, called a procedure, is entered into the CMMS system. This includes step-by-step instructions for performing safety tasks, how often they are to be performed, the craft or special skills required to perform the tasks, any special instructions such as equipment shutdown or lock out/tag out, parts or tools required, estimated time to complete the tasks, and any readings such as temperature, etc. This lays the ground work for the scheduling, completion and historical reporting of safety tasks.

Staff Training and Scheduling

Proper training for the maintenance staff completing safety tasks is a requirement. Staff training, including dates and certifications, can be entered into the CMMS system. Once requirements have been defined for each piece of equipment or area of the facility or grounds, staff trained, and a procedure defined for each safety task, the CMMS will bring all these elements together and create scheduled work orders for the completion of each safety task when due.

Completion of Safety-Related Tasks

Safety-related tasks can cover any type of work including inspections or safety instructions to follow when competing for regular maintenance tasks, for example when facility or equipment shutdown is required before a maintenance task can be performed. Once a work order has been created by the CMMS for safety-related procedures, it is then assigned to the appropriate staff based on skill set and due date. The open work order is tracked until completion, creating a historical life cycle for each safety task including the date and time the task was completed, by whom, and any conditions or issues found at the time of completion.

Safety Reporting and Tracking

CMMS software allows for extensive historical tracking of safety compliance using reports, graphs or dashboards. Information is available for any time period, for any type of safety procedure, for any type of equipment or area of the facility or grounds. Any information entered on the work order can be used for drilling down into the details for each procedure. This can be used for internal audits or information for insurance companies or regulatory agencies. Should an accident ever occur, this information will be invaluable for establishing the track record for safety compliance.

CMMS Software Can Be Customized

One of the important features of CMMS software is that it can be customized. This means being able to implement additional safety features in the program like scheduling and documenting in-house safety training, implementing safety plans and coordinating for emergencies.

Safety Increases Profitability

When safety becomes the primary concern of a facility, the results can show on the bottom line. Fewer accidents in the workplace means fewer employees take time off, which enhances productivity. Proper safety procedures reduce the possibility of the facility having to cover accident costs and reduces the possibility of regulatory fines.

DPSI as Your CMMS Partner

DPSI is a global CMMS software leader. Our maintenance management software solutions help organizations manage, monitor and control maintenance including equipment, resources, parts, safety and regulatory compliance. Our applications can handle your work order management needs and help your organization save time and money.

Interested to see how our CMMS improves safety and many other benefits? Get started with a free trial today!



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CMMS in Action

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